- An Analytic Triangulation of an Arbitrary Analytic Variety, J. MATH. MECH., Vol. 13 (1964), No. 6, pp. 1021-1036, [MR0167989]
- An Upper Bound for Ramsey Numbers (with James Yackel), BULL. AMER. MATH. SOC., Vol. 72 (1966), No. 6, pp. 1076-1079, [MR0199120]
- Some Graph Theoretic Results Associated with Ramsey’s Theorem (with J. Yackel), J. COMBINATORIAL THEORY, Vol. 4 (1968), No. 2, pp. 125-175, [MR0225685].
- ) Remarks on the Parameters of a System of Sets, ANN. N.Y. ACAD. SCIENCE, Vol. 175 (7/3/1970), Article 1, pp. 187-198, [MR0294140]
- The Groups of the Generalized Petersen Graphs, (with M.E. Watkins and R. Frucht), PROC. CAMBRIDGE PHIL. SOC., Vol. 70 (September 1971), pp. 211-218, [MR0289365]
- A characterization of Symmetric Block Designs, J. COMBINATORIAL THEORY, Vol. 12, No. 2 (March 1972), pp. 304-308, [MR0295929]
- Algebra-Structures for General Designs, (with W.B. Jurkat), J. OF ALGEBRA, Vol. 23 (December 1972), No. 3, pp. 574-589, [MR0309767]
- The Module Structure of Integral Designs, (with W.B. Jurkat), J. COMB. THEORY, Vol. 15 (July 1973), No. 1, pp. 75-90, [MR0329930]
- Boolean Designs and Self-Dual Matroids, LINEAR ALGEBRA AND APPLICATIONS, Vol. 10, (1975), pp. 111-128, [MR9376400]
- A Survey of the Maximum Depth Problems for Indecomposable Exact Covers, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM OF INFINITE AND FINITE SETS, (held in June 1973 at Kreszthely, Hungary), Springer-Verlag, pp. 731-743, [MR0401516]
- On the Foundations of Linear Integer Programming I, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING, Vol. 9, No. 2, October 1975, pp. 207-226, [MR0386673]
- Mean Distance in a Graph, (with J.K. Doyle), DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Vol. 17, No. 2, (Feb. 1977), pp. 147-154, [MR0485476]
- Mean Distance in a Directed Graph, (with J.K. Doyle), ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B, Vol. 5, No. 1 (June 1978), pp. 19-30.
- The Imbedding Index of a Graph, J. COMBINATORIAL THEORY B, Vol. 27, No. 2 (October 1979(, pp. 151-159, [MR0546857]
- f-Factors and Related Decompositions of Graphs (with W.B. Jurkat), J. COMBINATORIAL THEORY B, Vol. 28, No. 1 (February 1980), pp. 66-84, [MR0565511]
- Mean Distance for Shapes (with J.K. Doyle), J. GRAPH THEORY , Vol. 6, No. 4, (December 1982), pp. 453-478, [MR0679602]
- A Characterization of Finite Planar Primitive Graphs (with M. Watkins), SCIENTIA., SER. A: MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, Vol. 1 (1988), pp. 59-60. [MR2313048]
- Rigidity Matroids, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Vol. 4, No 3 (August 1991), pp.355-368. [MR1105942]
- Abstract rigidity in m-Space, (with B&H. Servatius), CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS, Vol. 178 (1994), pp.145-151. [MR1310581]
- On the Structure of Locally Finite, Planar, Edge-Transitive Graphs (with M. Watkins) MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL, Vol. 126 No. 602 (1997), 87 pages. [MR1361828]
- Designing a Mirror that Inverts in a Circle, (with G. Cargo and J. Troutman) THE MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER, Vol.24, No. 1 (2002), pp.4-8.
- The (m,k)-patch boundary code problem, MATCH (Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry) Vol. 48 (2003), pp 189-196. [MR1989001]
- A characterization of infinite planar primitive graphs, (with Mark Watkins), J. COMBINATORIAL THEORY B, Vol. 19 No. 1 (2004), pp 87-104. [MR2047533]
- Encoding Fullerenes and Geodesic Domes, SIAM. J. DISCRETE MATH, Vol. 17, No. 4 (2004), pp 596-614. [MR2085216]
- The Structure of Fullerenes, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 69, AMS, (2005), pp137-166. [MR2193448]
- A catalog of fullerenes with 10 or more symmetries, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 69, AMS, (2005), pp167-188. [MR2193449] [A list of corrections has been added at the end of this paper.]
- You may rely on the reliability polynomial for much more than you might expect, (with Milton Sobel), COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS – THEORY AND METHODS, Vol. 34, No. 6 (2005), pp 1411-1422. [MR2162099]
- The independence number of fullerenes and benzenoids, THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, Vol. 27, Issue 6 (2006) pp 850-863. [MR2226422]
- Growing fullerenes from seed: growth transformations of fullerene polyhedra, (with G. Brinkmann, D. Franceus and P. Fowler), CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 428 (2006) pp386-393.
- A note on natural correspondences that satisfy exclusion, SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE, 29 (2007) pp105-106. [MR2318340]
- Kekule structures and face independence number of a fullerene, THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, Vol. 28, Issue 4 (2007) pp 1115-1130. ;MR2305578]
- Numbers of Faces in Disordered Patches, (with Gunnar Brinkmann & Claudia Justus), JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 45. No. 2 (2009) pp 263-278. [MR2470459]
- Highly Symmetric Fullerenes and Nanotubes, (with Yvette Monachino), Symmetry in Nanostructures, a special issue of SYMMETRY: CULTURE AND SCIENCE Vol. 19, Num. 4 (2009) pp 317-340.
- Fullerene Patches I, (with Christy Graves), ARS MATHEMATICA COMTEMPORANEA, Vol. 3 (2010) pp109-120. [MR2643922]
- When does a curve bound a distorted disk? (with G. Cargo), SIAM JOURNAL OF DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2011) pp 280-305. [MR2801230]
- There are more strategy-proof procedures than you think, (with Jerry Kelly and Donald Campbell), MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES, Vol. 64 No. 3 (2012) pp 263-265.
- Fullerene patches II (with Christy Graves and Steve Graves), to appear in ARS MATHEMATICA COMTEMPORANEA
- Clar and Fries numbers for benzenoids, (with Liz Hartung and Ahmad Souid), to appear in THE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY.